Dorf at 3 years

Dorf at 3 years

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The torbie and the turbo-ball

This is me minding my own business, playing with my turbo-ball. Then I get stalked by the paparazzi. Can't a kitty just live her life without being constantly filmed and photographed, for God's sake?


  1. You can almost see her saying "I vant to be alone"

  2. She's so funny. She doesn't care that I'm filming until I move in closer. She pretends she's feral sometimes and runs downstairs to her beloved basement.

  3. Silly Dorfy. She's growing up to be one gorgeous girl!

  4. One of the drawbacks of being So Darn Cute, Miss Dorfy.

  5. Actually, Miss Dorfy, you can't live your life with out the pawpurratzi.. You might as well get used to it..

  6. Hi Dorfy - my name is Gracie and I live with my mummy and The Shepherd on our farm in the far north corner of the Pacific NW, with my brother George and this big black kitty who has just insinuated herself/himself into our house and our food dishes.

    You are pretty darn good on that turbo ball thingy - don't mind the pawparatzi - if'n you look really cute, they'll maybe give you more treats!

    XOX - Gracie

  7. PS - we're friends of the Katnip Lounge bunch :-)
